Well I certainly miss hanging out with other human beings.
Here's some punk rock to get you groovin' in this post-shutdown life we're living. Fun ass tunes courtesy of some real nice musician folk, including (but not limited to!) Blanks 77, The Distillers, The Damned, and Satanic Surfers. Ft. a couple new ones from old pros, Snuff and Jeff Pezzati (Naked Raygun)
So, what are you waiting for? I know you have LITERALLY nothing else you could be doing instead. Go listen, NOW:
Liner notes:
Here's the web player for all you familiars
- 1Pizzaman by Uncommonmenfrommars
- 2Armless skater by Satanic Surfers
- 3New Rose by The Damned
- 4Conductor 71 by Snuff
- 5Make me whole by Jeff Pezzati
- 6Drain the blood by The Distillers
- 7Dirty old town by The Pogues
- 8No Waves by FIDLAR
- 9Chelsea Girls by Blanks 77
- 10Enter the ninja by Die Antwoord
Happy 4 months of (sober) living, Tua, ya little dino
Alright that's it for this week, catch you doobie bros and femmes fatales later

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